"I foresee in another 100 years, we won't have enough topsoil in the United States to grow any food," said Tim Rhodd, chairman of the Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska. "The tribe is leading the effort in not only bringing our old native ways but marrying that with more Western science and regenerative agriculture practices that are in alignment with Mother Earth and Mother Nature."
Credit: https://www.greenbiz.com/article/what-does-regenerative-agriculture-reservation-look
Think about the ramifications in the first line of the quote above...think about your children, your grandchildren and where all of your food comes from at this moment. What if...the soil that grows the food we feed our families is no longer able to produce and provide food for future (and existing) generations?
Who are you relying on to address the burdens that traditional agriculture and other practices have placed on the land and its natural resources?
There are many opinions on the topic, for sure! A variety of different conservation efforts have been put in place to address the preservation and conservation of our natural resources
It was an absolute honor to be a part of telling the inspiring story of the Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska with this video on behalf of Kansas Association of Conservation Districts and USDA-NRCS of Kansas. We hope you’ll take the time to watch it and share it with others. It is our responsibility while “borrowing” from the land, to return it to Mother Earth in its original glory. We hope you’ll help.
I have always admired the reverence that Native Americans have for Mother Earth and all of her beautiful bounty. Their culture holds steadfast to the belief that the Great Spirit is in all things: he is in the air we breathe. The Great Spirit is our Father, but the Earth is our Mother. She nourishes us; that which we put in the ground she returns to us.
In the northeast corner of our state and the southeast corner of Nebraska, amidst the beautiful rolling hills, lies 12,038 acres of tribal land. The Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska has been taking steps for the last 10 years to transition to regenerative agriculture. Those steps are healing the soil following decades of chemical-intensive agriculture and producing better profits, thus, generating enough revenue for the Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska to thrive.
Incorporating their indigenous agricultural knowledge and techniques with regenerative agriculture, the Iowa Tribe has stopped “chasing the yields” and successfully transitioned from traditional agriculture to regenerative agriculture.
Regenerative agriculture is a holistic approach to farming that seeks to improve soil health, water quality and biodiversity. It is based on the principles of ecology and seeks to mimic the natural processes that have sustained the land for centuries. https://iowatribeofkansasandnebraska.com/center-of-excellence-for-regenerative-nativeagriculture/
The transition to regenerative agriculture wasn’t always an easy one. The tribe learned many lessons during the last ten years. They are dedicated to building relationships and helping others see and understand the benefits of transitioning to regenerative agriculture by sharing their experience.
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